Trails Skill Library - Corridor Clearing

Photo from Bob Marshall

Wilderness Foundation

Corridor Clearing


Corridor Clearing 〰️

Flathead Trails Association is working to add trail skills into our trainings. In the fall of 2024 we plan to begin offering trainings these trainings will include strategies and lessons from The Trails Skill Project. This competency framework provides a shared language around trail skills and expertise.

Entry Level Performance

  • Use pruning and brushing techniques to maximize safety, minimize visual impacts and support healthy trailside vegetation with supervision (i.e. avoid damage to growth collar of pruned limbs, cutting saplings flush to ground, deposit clipped limbs cut side away from trail)

Full Performance Level

  • Use pruning and brushing techniques to maximize safety, minimize visual impacts, and support healthy trailside vegetation (i.e. avoid damage to growth collar of pruned limbs, cutting saplings flush to ground, deposit clipped limbs cut side away from trail) independently

Expert Level Performance

  • Assess, plan and manage an efficient and safe pruning and brushing operation


Trails Skill Library - Drainage Features and Water management


Trails Skill Library - Trail Sustainability