Flathead Trails Association hopes to be central hub for trails valley-wide

By Whitefish Pilot
| July 6, 2022 1:00 AM

The Flathead Trails Association is a collaboration of trail organizations, agencies and vested individuals dedicated to preserving and advancing trails and paths in the Flathead Valley. The association, founded in 2019, supports trail stewardship organizations across the Flathead while welcoming all trail users.

The group has been convening since 2017 as an advisory group for Flathead County’s Trails Plan update. Once the plan was complete, the group formed the Flathead Trails Association (FTA).

“It is nice to see a mixed group of different trail users working together for the benefit of all,” says Deb Schatz from Back Country Horsemen of the Flathead.

This summer, FTA added a paid position by hiring a Flathead Trails Coordinator, Allie Maloney, who previously joined meetings as the Wild Montana representative.

“With the increased use of trails in the Flathead Valley, it’s more important than ever for the local trail organizations, agencies and vested individuals that make up FTA to continue collaborating to provide vital resources and education while advocating for trails valley-wide,” says Amanda Minatra, FTA member and program coordinator for Gateway to Glacier Trails. ”Hiring Allie is an integral step in the right direction and we are thrilled to have her on board.”

Supporting this endeavor is the FTA fiscal sponsor, Whitefish Legacy Partners, and a cost-share agreement with the Flathead National Forest.

A release from FTA says that with the Flathead Valley’s population, tourist visitation and trail usage dramatically increasing, resource management agencies have been increasingly spread thin. To keep up with the trail maintenance and user education needed to provide recreation opportunities for all different kinds of trail users, Flathead Trails Association will offer trail building and maintenance skills clinics and certifications for local organizations and volunteers.

Each fall and spring FTA will organize training including first aid, CPR, chainsaw and crosscut certification classes.

“We are excited that FTA will encourage collaboration, trail marketing, training and volunteer opportunities to aid the many trail-oriented nonprofits in the county," says Jennie Bender, FTA committee member and Glacier Nordic Club director.

FTA aims to increase public awareness of each trail partner while providing support.

A website is under construction that will be a hub for trail maps, trip planning, trail events and volunteer engagement. On Oct. 2, a launch party will introduce Flathead Trails Association to the public.

“Flathead area land managers and nonprofits have linked arms over the past four years to make this happen,” says Gabe Dillon, committee member and Foy’s to Blacktail Trails Program Coordinator. “We’ve been saying all along how great it would be to have a central source for trail information, events and volunteer opportunities to serve locals and visitors alike. Now it’s here.”

For more information contact: coordinator@flatheadtrails.org


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